NCC is a church living a gospel-centered life together in communities.
This seemingly simple statement is an anchor for our church. It calls us to be people living as sons and daughters of God, living in the grace of Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit. This happens not only as the gathered church on Sundays, but also as the sent church throughout the week. We are not called to do this alone and therefore we engage our communities with our Community Groups.
Living a gospel-centered life is applying the gospel to every aspect of our lives. The gospel informs us that Jesus has forgiven us of our sins and given us a position of righteousness before the Father. We rely on the gospel to keep us from religious performance as well as the seduction of sin. The gospel also informs us that we are sent out into our communities to make disciples.
Living a gospel-centered life is applying the gospel to every aspect of our lives. The gospel informs us that Jesus has forgiven us of our sins and given us a position of righteousness before the Father. We rely on the gospel to keep us from religious performance as well as the seduction of sin. The gospel also informs us that we are sent out into our communities to make disciples.

Who am I? I'm hopeless. I'm insecure. I'm hurting. In the midst of our desperation and confusion God breaks in and says, "you are mine!" Jesus came into our broken world to rescue and restore us. The Bible tells us we are chosen, adopted, sons and daughters of the King, and new creations. We now live in this wonderful reality!
Who am I? I'm hopeless. I'm insecure. I'm hurting. In the midst of our desperation and confusion God breaks in and says, "you are mine!" Jesus came into our broken world to rescue and restore us. The Bible tells us we are chosen, adopted, sons and daughters of the King, and new creations. We now live in this wonderful reality!
At NCC we value God's word (the Bible) as well as the empowering presence of God (the Holy Spirit). We love His word which tells us that Jesus hasn't left us as orphans, but has sent His Holy Spirit to indwell us and empower us.
At NCC we value God's word (the Bible) as well as the empowering presence of God (the Holy Spirit). We love His word which tells us that Jesus hasn't left us as orphans, but has sent His Holy Spirit to indwell us and empower us.
At NCC we truly believe that God has reconciled us both to Him and to each other. Community is certainly not sitting next to someone for an hour and a half on a Sunday; it's a shared life. We are a church of community groups that gather weekly throughout the city to share life, grow in God, and make disciples.
At NCC we truly believe that God has reconciled us both to Him and to each other. Community is certainly not sitting next to someone for an hour and a half on a Sunday; it's a shared life. We are a church of community groups that gather weekly throughout the city to share life, grow in God, and make disciples.
NCC does not exist for itself. We exist to bless the people and place of Tacoma by proclaiming and demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus. God has a mission and we are called to co-labor with him in rescuing, restoring and redeeming His creation.
NCC does not exist for itself. We exist to bless the people and place of Tacoma by proclaiming and demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus. God has a mission and we are called to co-labor with him in rescuing, restoring and redeeming His creation.
Our family of churches
In 2006, four family from the United States and Mexico come to Tacoma with a desire to share the love of Jesus and establish communities where lives are changed by God. That vision was birthed out of the years of prayer and relationship - relationship that continues to thrive. Those relationships come from an amazing family of churches called Confluence. This family strengthens us, encourages us, and keeps us accountable by pointing us to Jesus and his ways. We share values, relationship, and a common mission; and we are truly more together than we are apart.