Joyful Endurance: 2 Timothy 3:10-17
Bo Noonan teaches from 2 Timothy 3:10-17. Here we find Paul continue a thought from verses 1-9, where Paul describes people who love themselves and their ways, rather than Jesus and his ways. In verses 10-17, he encourages Timothy by commending him for being different. Instead of following the way that leads to deceptions, Timothy has followed two things: 1) Paul's teaching and way of life (which has led to both difficulty AND salvation) and 2) the God-breathed scriptures of the Bible (which have helped him mature as a person and brought salvation to his soul). This contrast is both commended and recommended to us as well. Instead of following culture, self, and deconstructing God's word we can be examined, built up, and saved by submitting to God's word and following the example of other people who do the same.